6th Grade Intermediate American Art II Online

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Intermediate American Art II lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of American art and architecture from the end of the Civil War through modern times. Students will investigate paintings done in various styles, from impressionist to pop; learn about modern sculpture and folk art; discover how photographers and painters have inspired one another; examine examples of modern architecture, from skyscrapers to art museums; and create artworks inspired by works they learn about.


VAX6020 Intermediate American Art I Course Kit
05056 - Kit Box 2 (box in which materials are packed) - 1
08376 - Art Print Kit, Intermediate Art: American B - 1
15601 - Intermediate Art: American B Student Pages Sem. 1 & 2 - 1
15603 - Intermediate American Art II Advance Preparation and Safety Information - 1
48833 - VA6020 Intermediate American Art II Course Kit Material Checklist - 1
65040 - Art Pack 4 (Grade 6) - 1

Unit 1: The Artist's Eye

  • Identify roles of an artist.
  • Recognize the influence art exhibits have on artists and the general public.
  • Identify that artworks with similar characteristics have been grouped into periods or styles.
  • Identify color groups as primary, secondary, intermediate, warm, cool, monochromatic, analogous, and complementary.
  • Describe the effect color has in an artwork.
  • Explain how artists use art elements and design principles in their compositions.

Unit 2: Modern American Painting: From Impressionism to Pop Art

  • Identify the use of the elements of art and principles of design in artworks.
  • Identify characteristics of or facts about the art of Mary Cassatt, John Sloan, Edward Hopper, Stuart Davis, Marsden Hartley, Josef Albers, Mark Rothko, and Roy Lichtenstein.
  • Identify characteristics of the art movements called Impressionism, Ashcan school, American scene painting, color field, and pop art.
  • Identify how new technology influenced an artist or illustrator's vision.

Unit 3: New Ideas in Sculpture

  • Identify the use of elements of art and principles of design in sculptures.
  • Identify characteristics of or facts about the sculpture of Augustus Saint-Gaudens, Frederic Remington, Alexander Calder, Louise Nevelson, Deborah Butterfield, and Maya Lin.
  • Identify events in the life of Maya Lin and characteristics of her art.
  • Identify a reason artists make monuments or memorials.

Unit 4: The Camera and the Brush

  • Identify how Eadweard Muybridge's motion photography influenced painters.
  • Identify characteristics of or facts about the art of Eadweard Muybridge, Thomas Moran, Edward Weston, Georgia O'Keeffe, Lewis Hine, and Charles Sheeler.
  • Identify events in the life of Thomas Moran and characteristics of his art.

Unit 5: The Architect at Work

  • Explain the meaning of the phrase, "Form follows function."
  • Identify characteristics of or facts about the architecture of Daniel Burnham; William Van Alen; Shreve, Lamb, and Harmon; Frank O. Gehry; Frank Lloyd Wright; and I.M. Pei.

Unit 6: Colorful Traditions

  • Identify characteristics of or facts about folk art from the Americas, including Cuna Indian molas, Zapotec woodcarvings, South American arpilleras, Hawaiian kapaapana, and South and Central American weavings.
  • Recognize that people decorate functional objects.
  • Recognize that people create artworks based on cultural traditions.

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