7th Grade Intermediate World Art I Online
Intermediate World Art I lessons include an introduction to the artists, cultures, and great works of world art and architecture from ancient through medieval times. Students will investigate how artists from different civilizations used various techniques, from painting to mosaic; examine elements of design and styles of decoration, from the spiral to the solar disk; and explore some of the best-preserved works from ancient tombs, including the treasures of Egypt’s King Tut.
VA7020 Intermediate World Art I Course Kit
03035 - Art Print Kit, Intermediate Art: World A - 1
05056 - Kit Box 2 (box in which materials are packed) - 1
15701 - Intermediate Art: World A Student Pages Sem. 1 & 2 - 1
15703 - Intermediate World Art I Advance Preparation and Safety Information - 1
48834 - VA7020 Intermediate World Art I Course Kit Material Checklist - 1
65050 - Art Pack 5 (Grades 7-8) - 1