7th Grade Math Online

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$289.00 to $399.00
SKU: 2814

In Stride’s Grade 7 mathematics course, students focus on real-world scenarios and mathematical problems involving algebraic expressions and linear equations and begin to apply their understanding of rational numbers with increased complexity. The course lays the foundation for exploring concepts of angle, similarity and congruence, more formally addressed in Grade 8, as students work with scale drawings and construct and analyze relationships among geometric figures. Students also develop and apply understandings of proportional relationships.

When enrolling in the full year option of this course it will be delivered in two semesters. Transcripts will reflect each semester separately

Semester 1

Unit 1:Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers

Unit 2: Multiplying and Dividing Rational Numbers

Unit 3: Problem Solving with Rational Numbers

Unit 4: Expressions

Unit 5: Solving Linear Equations

Unit 6: Solving Linear Inequalities


Semester 2

Unit 1: Proportional Relationships

Unit 2: Precents

Unit 3: Two-Dimensional Geometry

Unit 4: Three-Dimensional Geometry

Unit 5: Statistics

Unit 6: Probability

Unit 7: Project: Package Deals

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