Consumer Math Online Credit Recovery
In Consumer Math, students study and review arithmetic skills they can apply in their personal lives and in their future careers. The first Semester of the course begins with a focus on occupational topics; it includes details on jobs, wages, deductions, taxes, insurance, recreation and spending, and transportation. In the second Semester, students learn about personal finances, checking and savings accounts, loans and buying on credit, automobile expenses, and housing expenses. Narrated slideshows help illustrate some of the more difficult content. Throughout the course, students participate in online discussions with each other and their teacher.
Semester 1
Unit 1: All About Jobs
Students review decimals, percentages, and the order of operations, and then see practical applications to wages.
• Course Checkpoints
• Decimal Review
• Working with Wages
• Review of Percents
• Review of Order of Operations
Unit 2: Wages
Students continue their investigation into job compensation with a review of fractions and equations.
• Review of Fractions
• Forms and Time Cards
• Review of Equations
• Salary and Commission
Unit 3: Deductions, Taxes, and Insurance
Students review tables and graphs and apply what they have learned to payroll deductions for taxes and insurance.
• Payroll Deductions
• Health and Life Insurance
• Tables and Graphs
• Federal Income Tax
Unit 4: Recreation and Spending
Students review mathematical concepts that aid in smart budgeting.
• Movies and Shows
• Costs of Recreation
• Buying Clothes and Shopping
• Buying Food and Eating Out
Unit 5: Transportation
Students review mathematical concepts and how they relate to transportation costs.
• Transportation
• Taking Road Trips
Semester 2
Unit 6: Personal Finances
Graphs and linear equations help students understand budgets, net worth, and purchasing power.
• Graphs and Linear Equations
• Net Worth and Purchasing Power
• Budgets
Unit 7: Checking and Savings Accounts
Students review exponential equations, and practice mathematical skills that relate to bank accounts, savings, and interest.
• Exponential Equations
• Checking Accounts
• Savings Accounts
Unit 8: Credit
Students review skills essential to making smart choices about credit.
• Using Credit Cards
• Loans
• Installment Buying
Unit 9: Automobile Expenses
Students use their mathematical skills to investigate the costs of owning a car.
• Buying an Automobile
• Operating Expenses
• Automobile Insurance
• Other Car Topics
Unit 10: Housing
Students practice skills and investigate the financial considerations of owning or renting a home.
• Renting an Apartment
• Buying a House
• Taxes and Insurance
• Decorating and Remodeling