Earth Science Grades 6-8 Print Credit Recovery

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Earth science is the study of the systems of Earth and how we interact with them. The study of all the Earth is important for the understanding of our impact on the environment and space. It is important to understand how our choices will impact the Earth so that we can make sustainable choices so that our home of planet Earth can survive.

Course Objectives

This study material is designed to provide students with an understanding of basic earth science con­cepts and issues.

After reading the required text and completing the exercises found in the Study Guide, you will be able to:

·         explain the basic applications of earth science;

·         describe the solar system;

·         distinguish among the sun, the nine planets, and other bodies in the solar system; describe the three major components of the earth: the lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere;

·         distinguish rocks from minerals and list the importance of these resources;

·         display a basic understanding of plate tectonics and explain what causes earthquakes and volca­noes;

·         describe how energy moves around on the earth;

·         discuss basic weather concepts and describe severe weather;

·         describe the actions of weathering and erosion and deposition.

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