English 1 Print

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$229.00 to $299.00
SKU: 3914

Keystone welcomes you to the exciting world of literature! This course covers short fiction, poetry, and drama. You will learn how to read each type of literature closely and interpret meaning. Reading literature not only sharpens your reading skills, but it also sharpens your critical thinking! You will encounter thematic content that allows you to explore diverse literature from a wide variety of time periods. We’ll read stories that reflect historical happenings, and you’ll be able to immerse yourself into the context of each one. We’ll talk about the theme of change in seasons—and in life—in poetry form. And don’t forget about the drama! What’s more dramatic than a play? We’ll read a classic, Romeo and Juliet and delve into not only how to read a play, but the finer points and underlying content in a tragic love story. Some might argue that it’s not really a love story, but you can decide that on your own after we read it.

Authors write for a variety of reasons. Primarily, they wish to send a message. This writing can take many forms. As good literature always reflect life, you will find many stories with which you personally connect. As you read, feel free to journal your thoughts on the story, the author’s message, your personal opinion on the work, and what you think will happen next for the characters. Overall, you will enjoy your journey through the world of literature.

Course Materials

Provided: Explorations: An Anthology of Literature Volume A

Student sourced materials

Semester 1 Romeo and Julie by Shakespeare

Semester 2 Animal Farm by George Orwell

Course Objectives

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

Draw inferences from the text and back up your findings with textual evidence.

Understand the denotation and connotation of a word.

Identify and analyze the theme of the text.

Identify and analyze the setting of the text.

Identify and analyze the author’s use of voice.

Identify and analyze the author’s point of view and how that effects how the story is told.

Identify and analyze the plot of a story.

Understand how word usage affects voice and tone.

Analyze a character in the story through characterization.

Identify and analyze the author’s use of figurative language.

Effectively organize thoughts and ideas so that you might write a literary interpretation essay.

Interpret and write about literature through a variety of lenses.

Course Outline

Lesson 1: Stories Of Our Time

Lesson 2: To Everything There Is A Season

Lesson 3: Drama

Lesson 4: Stories of Scientist

Lesson 5: Advice and Instruction

Lesson 6: The Novel

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