Geometry Print

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$229.00 to $299.00

Geometry is designed to emphasize the study of the properties and applications of common geometric figures in two and three dimensions. It includes the study of transformations and right triangle trigonometry. Inductive and deductive thinking skills are used in problem solving situations, and applications to the real world are stressed. It also emphasizes writing proofs to solve (prove) properties of geometric figures. Students who complete Geometry should take Algebra II next.

Students will be provided with Geometry Houghton Mifflin textbook

Texas Instruments TI-30 calculator recommended.

Course Objectives

When you have completed this course, you will be able to:

•             Name various types of special lines and angles as well as various properties of lines and angles.

•             Name various types of geometric figures as well as various properties of these figures.

•             Identify and apply the properties of rays and angles.

•             Identify and apply the properties of parallel and perpendicular lines.

•             Write conditional statements.

•             Write and graph linear functions.

•             Identify and apply the properties of triangles.

•             Identify and apply the properties of quadrilaterals.

•             Identify and apply the properties of polygons.

•             Identify and apply the properties of circles

•             Prove figures are congruent.

•             Prove figures are similar.

•             Apply transformations to various figures.

•             Determine perimeter, area, surface area, and volume of geometric figures.

•             Use several types of statements to construct proofs.

Course Outline

Module 1 Tools ofGeometry

Module 2 Transformations andCongruence

Module 3 CongruentFigures

Module 4 Lines andAngles

Module 5 Triangle CongruenceCriteria

Module 6 Applications of TriangleCongruence

Module 7 Properties ofTriangles

Module 8 Special Segments inTriangles

Module 9 Properties ofQuadrilaterals

Module 10 Coordinate Proof using Slope andDistance

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