Health Science I Online Single Semester

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Will we ever find a cure for cancer? What treatments are best for conditions like diabetes and asthma? How are illnesses like meningitis, tuberculosis, and measles identified and diagnosed? Health sciences provide the answers to questions such as these. This course introduces students to the various disciplines within the health sciences, including toxicology, clinical medicine, and biotechnology. Students explore the importance of diagnostics and research in the identification and treatment of diseases. The course presents information and terminology for the health sciences and examines the contributions of different health science areas.

Unit 1: The World of Health Sciences

Unit 2: Careers in Health Science

Unit 3: The Life Span

Unit 4: Technical Skills

Unit 5: Health and Wellness

Health Sciences Midterm Exam

Unit 6: Leadership and Teamwork

Unit 7: Health Communication

Unit 8: Ethics and Legal Issues

Unit 9: Safety

Unit 10: Informatics and Technology

Health Sciences Final Exam

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